Diabetes and Aboriginal Health

Diabetes and Aboriginal Health

Posted by Carlene Gabriel on 8th Jan 2015

In the last couple of weeks of 2014 I found it immensely satisfying and rather exciting for a city girl to reach out to our remote rural communities around Australia, many specialising in Aboriginal Health and availing them of the opportunity to access the correct preventative type of medical grade footwear they need. I look forward to serving these communities who, through distance, have very limited opportunity for niche footwear.

Research is indicating our Indigenous Communities are three to four times more likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes compared to the remaining population according to Diabetes Australia. The age at which Diabetes is diagnosed is younger than non indigenous Australians. Any efforts to prevent Diabetes and the associated health complications which can include, to name a few, neuropathy, ulcers and amputations should be actively pursued. I’ve learnt that insensate feet can begin with a minor blister and left unchecked and untreated may develop into ulcers and even amputation within a relatively short space of time.

In doing my research I came across an informative and interactive site, howsyoursugar Well worth a look

